We went to the local bakery for some lunch patties and cakes at 0830 and Mark and Natalia joined us for the day again. We set off and went to mill around the start area with all of the other boats. The start order had been changed a little but it didn’t affect us, the tall ships started after us rather than at the end. We had another reasonable start but appeared to be towing a trawl down the first reach and fell behind Longbow, our main competition. We caught them up a little on the close reach to the second mark and were nearly up with them by the end of the down wind leg. On the beat back to the final mark. We lost out to them again and ended up with another 4th, however that does, I think, mean that we’re third overall for the regatta, well in our class anyway so we’re fairly pleased with that.
There was to be a parade of sail after the racing today so, once finished we tidied up, put the sail covers on and some flags up the halyards and came in for our turn around the harbour. Mark and I sang ‘Roll the old chariot along’ with a couple of improvised verses and Patrick and Natalie mimed along. The fuel berth appeared to be empty so we pulled in alongside that and filled up with fuel before berthing again. It was a little later than the previous day with the extra time taken with the parade and fuelling and after settling down and having a quick ice lolly, shop and shower it was happy hour. A rain storm passed through just as we were showering and I went back to close the hatches and put the cockpit tent up. We had a quiet sundowner as many people were sheltering on their boats and then went out for dinner at one of the establishments between Nelson and Falmouth harbour and back for an early night.
Final day today.
Slainte Jock and Patrick.
Well done. No more racing?