We had a quiet day, tidying the boat and doing a few jobs here and there. In the afternoon we went to an afternoon tea with skiff racing but didn’t enter any races, the tea was very good with scones, sandwiches, quiches, cakes and so on with many ladies looking their best in frocks and hats. I bought some more tomatoes and lettuce and Patrick made a Lasagne later in the afternoon and then we went for sundowners and the prizegiving. Coming 3rd in class overall entitled us to a small cask of rum which we look forward to sharing with the remainder of the crew when next we are together. We went for dinner at Roquita’s but they were only serving tapas and the two we had initially weren’t that good and the beer, draught, wasn’t at all nice so we tried at Bar-Bs for a burger but were too late. Returning fo an early night we met up with Mark and Natalia and wobbled around on the dance floor with them for a bit, the band still playing as it was. Quite a good band actually with a good singer
It’s now 0707 and we’re due to sail at about 0800. I’m just dashing this off whilst Patrick is trying to sort out car insurance.
The freezer came on this morning when I tried it, I don’t expect it will last but will see. We have, currently nothing to freeze in any case.
Jock and Patrick.
Congratulations 3rd overall!