The sail back yesterday was, actually, idyllic. There wasn’t quite enough wind with it being from astern but we never stopped, managed at one time to have the asymmetric up along with the poled out genoa on the other side along with the main, which allowed us to sail almost dead downwind. We made between 2.5 and 6 knots all the way back and didn’t have the motor on once, arriving at around 1500 having had a good penne pasta and tomato based sauce lunch whilst arriving in the lagoon thanks to Sarah’s culinary skills.
I called up all the way across the lagoon but couldn’t raise the marina until the last minute but they eventually confirmed that a berth was available and we docked on the opposite side of the finger on which we had berthed last time. This is a little shallower showing 0.6m under the keel or, aground, as I’ve still not managed to find the keel offset to change it, a job for today I think. I have the instructions on my kindle if I can persuade them to open.
Once I’d cleared in, (by the way you may have noticed that the keyboard has decided to work normally today, condescending of it n’est ce pas?) the Doherty’s gave me a beer and we all had a sit down and good bye beer. With Sarah having done the cleaning on the way in, thanks Sarah, we put together a pile of laundry for the nice laundry lady and then they set off in search of their Casa Particulares. It might have been easier if they had an address but they only had a street name and no internet signal, my phone connects to the internet but wasn’t receiving a strong enough signal to open their airbnb account, it maybe added a mini adventure to their day! They had a plan to try to get an internet signal from a wifi station somewhere.
The whole of the town was in a blackout but I thought I’d see if anywhere looked like it was open and serving food, and several places were so I treated myself to a seafood soup and prawn in garlic with rice etc dinner along with nourishing local drink having cycled around a little to see where might be open, in fact several places were, presumably either with little generators or more likely batteries for the lights and gas cooking. I actually ended up having a pizza for pudding at another little restaurant I’d gone into for a cerveza but was tempted by pizza when their ‘postres’ menu was blank.
Today is a shopping for teaspoons and clothes pegs day, hopefully not too difficult and some pottering on the boat, it’s a lovely morning and the sun should be putting some charge into the batteries in a moment - the engine had to go on for a few hours last night as the batteries had had a pounding yesterday with the extra work of autopilot, toy / phone charging and freezing of water bottles which seems to make a big difference to how hard the freezer works.
Jock and Yemaya.