Yesterday was fine, we had between 15 and 23 knots all day with the wind close to the beam, ideal. There’s still quite a sea / swell running (3m about) and we lurch quite a bit occasionally but it’s a million times better than when we’re running downwind.
I had found another packet of dog food mince, everything made from it tastes quites sweet, we surmise that it’s imported from the States and likely has had sugar added to it to increase the profits of the sickness industry. I made this into a one pot pressure cooker mince dish with potatoes, mushrooms (from a tin, a bit tasteless) and butternut and we had it for dinner, it was OK but not the tastiest meal so far. We’d also found a final, we think, packet of Cadbury’s mini eggs that Katharine had brought out so. had these for pudding. Patrick seems to be confused by my constantly taking another one and doesn’t necessarily keep up, I think he’d likely have 3 or 4 and save the rest for another day but this doesn’t occur to me. I keep munching til they are finished. We also had a cup of hot chocolate before bed, not something I’ve often done but Peter and Jill used to enjoy cocoa on the night watches.
I finished HMS Ulysses. Great book, well worth a revisit, I’d recommend it to anyone who thought that their job seemed to be asking too much of them for a different perspective. It reminds me of myself on a terrible trip in the Gulf, my first as 2nd Mate, in 1981 on a 40 year old ship with a pair of twins as owners, one aboard, when lots of things were going wrong and living conditions were terrible; writing to Daddy and he would, encouragingly, write back with the expression, don’t worry, things are never so bad that they can’t get worse!
We should pass the 1000 miles left to go stage today, currently it’s 1015 at the moment we made 166 yesterday which was 163 miles closer to Horta.
Jock, Patrick and Yemaya.